*This one is a little personal, so if you don't know about this situation, you probably shouldn't.
Something in your skin & touch gives me fever
& instant amnesia
My temperature begins to rise, pores begin to sweat
& I forget all the stupid things you've done
Like that time you broke my heart
Jus when our relationship was beginning to start, to bloom
From then on you were doomed
Like a 30-point deficit you had to come from behind
Your coaching skills need work, but the finesse game
You perfected it
And I want it to work
But the things you did, the secrets you hid
Keeps me down deep within
From ever saying the 3 words: Be with me
Because I love you is easy for me & you
That emotion hasn't changed or faded through strife
Even accepting the other woman in your life
Though not in the flesh she stayed in our house
Mary Jane got you higher than my pussy ever could
Each with our own not-so-secret lovers
But I find a big difference in you helping yourself
& me helping others
Then you touch me & for that time everything is even keel
All the problems disappear
& I forget all the stupid things you've done