I chose my destiny in the womb
double knotted my umbilical cord around my feet upside down
my mother telling billy goat gruff stories of crossing bridges where trolls lie in wait
inspired me to premature birth
so I entered this world head first
head strong because I watched siblings get tied up with the foolishness of life
and come out dead on the other side
I swung
a pendulum hanging from a cloud three less that nine
childhood I was easily swayed
side to side because when your parents are divorced there is no in between
considered Christianity because crosses looked just like me
crucified upside down to die for this world’s sins
I convinced myself that I would be the one to right it
be its savior
cut through injustice and be worshipped as god
but I couldn’t touch the ground
lacked simplicity
doomed to be misunderstood because I don’t walk the same path
no I don’t walk
and my words hit ears like classics played backwards
bittersweet symphonies
love came as divine as kinetic energy
two superheroes beautifully flawed
we share Spiderman kisses of passion
in between missed opportunities and late-night calls from destiny
those days I remember that
23 years ago I tied a rope around my ankles
and christened myself with this burden
karma isn’t the bitch once you realize the definition of karma
so now I do more hanging than swinging
at night blood sleeps cozy in the cradle of my cranium
but it doesn’t make me crazy
it makes me
and I’ve made peace with that