
I'm going on tour! (revised)

Ok. So. Big news. *deep breath*

I'm going on tour!

It's my first one, and although it's a short one, I'm still super excited! In October, I'll be in:

Houston, TX - Super Happy Fun Land for Odd Thursdays October 3rd
Dallas, TX - Dallas Black Pride's "The Movement" event October 4th
Oklahoma City, OK - Saturday Afternoon Live! at the Paramount, OKC October 5th
Oklahoma City, OK - Open Mic Night at the Hubbly Bubble Hookah & Cafe October 7th
Oklahoma City, OK - Red Dirt Poetry Slam at Sauced on Paseo October 9th

Wooo. That's a lot. :) Thanks to Morgan Coleman Alexandra Marie for helping me set this all up. It goes all the way down next month.

More dates and events will be announced in the coming weeks. So come see me! :)


I'm having to edit this post because I'm added a ton of new shows to this tour, so Oklahoma City, I'll be all over you next week! And Dallas, we gon' have some fun.

Here are the new show dates:
10/ 4 - Dallas Black Pride Comedy show and Concert
10/ 5 - Saturday Afternoon Live! at the Paramount, OKC
10/ 7 - Open Mic Night at the Hubbly Bubble Hookah & Cafe 
10/ 8 - **NEW**Open Mic Night at Urban Roots  
10/ 9 - Red Dirt Poetry Slam at Sauced on Paseo 
10/ 10 - Cause.Life.Is.Too.Short Volume 2 at Michael's in Arlington 
10/ 13 - Spotlight Sundays with Masterpiece at 1011 Grill 
10/ 25 - F.L.O.W. at 1011 Grill 
10/ 26 - The Free Word radio show

AND, I'm releasing my first chapbook, Faith Move Muscles, this week. I'll have copies available at all my shows.

If you want more information about me, my shows or how to get merchandise, email me at princess.mcdowell@gmail.com or like my Facebook page.


sweet mo'ning haiku

she sends me haiku in the mo'ning

sun, kiss her for me
dance on her shoulders today
a reason to smile

they are sweet whispers awake
a kind balance to the screams I fall asleep to
she tells me she's not a poet
just a fan of the 17 syllable symphony

the words you spit are
treasures you do share with me
in awe I'm silenced

i don't haiku
not enough discipline to pare down words so samurai
graceful and mercilessly
she tells me she's not a poet
so when she wraps me in silk first moment I wake

i will paint your skin
fingers brush neck, back, hips, thighs
dance with me sweet love

i remember how she touches iambic
how we made shakespearean sonnet
so deep, so beautiful
i hadn't made love poem in so long

head laid on chest
tap to the beat of your heart
walking into love

i don't haiku but
maybe together, humans (5)
linked by the divine (7)