
An Apology to My Ribs

Little girls grow and wait for you to fade into the background of new frontiers
Puberty hits and
Breasts steal the spotlight you've waited to hold since birth
I'm sorry for that
You are the closest things to my heart I could touch and yet
I shied away from you because the world has made you a symbol of what's wrong in America
Starving for attention
Starving to be a beautiful we never were
We were just beautiful
To each other
The lovers say
You don't belong on the outer frame of my silhouette
It hurt when they would look through you as if you were not important
My ribs
Are the reason I can stick my chest out so far
The complement to my backbone
I don't downplay you as the reason I stand
I'm sorry for all the times I blamed you for my broken heart
For the people who I thought you let in too early
You are no gate
Their kisses were not keys to my sternum
You did not fly open
I thank God you did not fly open
When it felt like they were ripping me to shreds
My soul doesn't feel like a caged bird when I run my fingers across you
I feel blessed to be able to feel the steel in my body armor
I'm sorry that sometimes I walk like I'm not used to your breast plate weight
Adam gave a rib to be whole and I've
Taken in enough evenings alone to start believing that you
Solid bone
Complete me like no other
Thank you for being physical, visible proof of how strong I am
I heart you inside
And out

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